Terraforming Market

Do you want to become our author?

We'll tell you how to publish your article
  • Check out the site and our blog.
  • Formulate the topic of the material: it should reflect his idea and contain specifics.
  • Prepare a synopsis - a detailed plan of the material.
  • Send an email to sayhello@tf-market.com with the subject "New author: [topic]"
  • We will definitely answer you. Important: we do not offer authors remuneration for texts.
  • The basis of high-quality material is statistics, expert opinion and real life examples. Main formats: information and analytical article (9-15k characters), longread (15-25k), interview (12-35k), test (10-15 questions with three to five answer options and explanations for each). The article must be original, without errors. We accept texts in the format of links to the cloud Yandex, Google, etc.
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