Terraforming Market

Attract clients and investors with Terraforming Market

The target audience
The audience of Terraforming Market is business and government representatives, architects, urban planners and investors who are looking for optimal solutions for the development of a modern urban environment.
Wide coverage
Terraforming Market allows you to reach an audience from all over the world, as well as select individual regions for promotion that are of interest to you.
Convenient advertising formats
We will help you become visible and tell our audience about your advantages.
E-mail newsletter
Mailing base: more than 10,000 addresses.
Audience: authorities responsible for the development of territories, developers.
Cost: $1200.
Press release of the company with the announcement on the main page, in the thematic sections of the site and in the Terraforming Market Telegram channel.
Cost: $40.
Card of technology
Information about your technology in the catalog for free and it will be seen by more than 30,000 specialists from all over the world.
Cost: free.
Card of сompany
Information about your company in the catalog for free and it will be seen by more than 30,000 specialists from all over the world.
Cost: free.
Banner on the main page
Visibility: 90% of the site's audience.
Cost: $25 per 1,000 impressions.
Banner in the site section
Allows you to show your ads in specific sections of the site. Cost: $60 per 1,000 impressions.
Order advertising: sayhello@terraforming-market.com
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